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Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for Psychosocial Support in Emergencies

All psychosocial evaluations should seek to measure the change in the lives of individuals, families and communities that have come about during the course of the activity/programme as a result of activity/programme. This is the core task of an outcome evaluation. The monitoring and evaluation system should be developed from the outset of an activity/program in conjunction with project planning and integrated into each stage of the project cycle. Establishing monitoring and evaluation at the beginning helps to clarify the project’s objectives and monitors the project as it is rolled out to check that the project plan is implemented adequately. With a monitoring and evaluation system it is possible to know if something unexpected or fundamentally different is happening, to learn what improvements can be made and to find out if the intended change is taking place.

This package includes:

1. An M&E guidance note

2. Planning tools, which include:

  • An indicator guide with examples of outcome and outcome indicators
  • Output and output indicators as well as means of verification
  • A template for Logframe (based on the CBHFA PMER toolkit)
  • A template for Plan of Action (PoA) (based on the CBHFA PMER toolkit)
  • A template M&E plan (based on the CBHFA PMER toolkit)

3. Examples of simple tools for data collection

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Information English 2016 zip
Translations No translations available