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Taking care of your staff and volunteer’s mental health and psychosocial well-being is key. But how can you set up systems in your organisation that work? Check out this tools and resources that help you assess and monitor psychosocial risk factors, implement flexible work arrangements, consider insurance coverage and leverage internal and external support systems to keep your staff and volunteers thriving.

UN Staff Well-being Survey-Data Report

Source: United Nations

Type: Survey/report

Time: >15 minutes

Description:   Report on a cross-sectional survey conducted on UN Staff with the aim of quantifying the burden of mental health symptoms in UN personnel.

“The greatest need was to be listened to”: The importance of mental health and psychosocial support during COVID-19


Type: Report

Time: >15

Description: A report about the importance of mental health and psychosocial support during Covid-19, findings are based on the experiences and recommendations of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement.

Assess and address psychological health and safety in your workplace

Source: Guarding Minds at Work

Type: Assessment/toolkit

Time: >15

Description: Guarding Minds at Work is a resource that can be used to help you assess and address psychological health and safety in your workplace.

Workplace strategies for mental health

Source: Canada Life, Assurance Company

Type: Free online article (Organizational strategies)

Time: >15 minutes

Description: This website dispenses policies, programs and prevention strategies to support workplace mental health and psychological safety for everyone in the organization. It also has practical approaches to protecting the psychological health and safety of employees.

Psychological health and safety in the workplace

Source: National Standards of Canada

Type: Standard/legislation

Time: >15

Description: This resource is a Canadian Standard that specifies requirements for a documented and systematic approach to develop and sustain a psychologically healthy and safe workplace (long read ca60 pages)

Caring for Volunteers: A Psychosocial Support Toolkit

Source: IFRC Psychosocial Centre

Type: Toolkit

Time: >15 minutes

Description: The Toolkit is designed to adequately show the responsibilities and risks volunteers may face and make best use of a National Society’s capacities and resources.

The Mental Health Benefits of Remote and Flexible Work

Source: Online free article (Mental Health America)

Type: General information and tips

Time: 5-10 minutes

Description: Gathered information about the mental health benefits of remote and flexible work arrangements

Accommodation and return to work policies

Source: Online free resource (Canada Life)

Type: General information and tips

Time: 1-5 minutes

Description: Strategies for supervisors and managers to better respond to employees returning to work or requiring accommodation, especially when mental health is a factor.

A guide for managing the return to work

Source: Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC)

Type: Guide

Time: >15 minutes

Description: A resource created by the Canadian Human Rights Commission (CHRC) with cases, legal principles, and guidelines to support managers in handling return to work situations.

Returning to Work from Sick Leave

Source: NHS, free access

Type: general information and tips

Time: 5-10 minutes

Description: Returning to work after mental health issues, information, tips and further reading from the NHS.

Introduction to Duty of Care

Source: CHS Alliance (Core Humanitarian Standards Alliance)

Type: Articles and Toolkit

Time: >15 minutes

This resource gathers knowledge and resources about Duty of Care and wellbeing within the humanitarian sector. This is a comprehensive resource with links to other tools and resources.

20 Different Types of Employee Benefits: Examples

Source: iSmartRecruit Website

Type: Guidance

Time: >15 minutes

Description: The website gives ideas on different types of employee benefits and their importance supporting internal policies

Volunteer Accident Insurance

Source: IFRC Fednet

Type: Volunteer accident insurance

Time: 5-10 minutes

Description: IFRC is offering to all RC RC National Societies to sign up for the accident insurance for their volunteers. This guide explains how and the benefits.