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Research Network

The Roadmap

In December 2019, the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement adopted a set of commitments addressing mental health and psychosocial needs. A Roadmap (2020–2023) has been developed to support a strategic and coordinated approach to the implementation of these commitments, with the aim to strengthen the Movement’s collective response to mental health and psychosocial needs.

Research is crucial to ensuring the realisation of the Roadmap ambitions. In particular, Priority Action Area 4 of the Roadmap focuses on ‘Demonstrating the impact of MHPSS interventions through research, evidence, monitoring and evaluation’. The Research Network will be instrumental in supporting this by highlighting and showcasing best practices across the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement.

The Red Cross Red Crescent Research Network was established in June 2016 with the vision to provide effective humanitarian action through a strengthened evidence-base in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement for MHPSS for beneficiaries, volunteers and staff.

The Research Network is a space for collaboration and shared learning that brings together MHPSS researchers and practitioners affiliated with the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement. Hosted by the IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support and co-led by the British Red Cross, the Research Network:

  • Releases quarterly newsletters highlighting important developments in global mental health research, events and funding opportunities
  • Hosts webinars that showcase best-practice and highlight lessons learned by those conducting research and evaluating programming
  • Organises biennial meetings where researchers and practitioners can meet, present their research and evaluations, and build new partnerships

The Research Network is seeking to connect with National Societies and other stakeholders who are interested in research and who would like to explore potential for research partnerships on mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian settings.

Reference Documents

The Red Cross Red Crescent Research Network Research Carnival: Learning from MHPSS in Climate Change, Conflict and Migration. 11th – 13th September 2023, Copenhagen Summary Report

Over the last decade conflicts, instability, and climate-related disasters such as those in Syria, Pakistan, Yemen, Central America and Ukraine have resulted in significant mass migration and have had profoundly negative impacts on mental health and psychosocial wellbeing. 

Different parts of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement have responded along with other organizations. The Research Carnival brought together 18 presenters and 54 participants from across the world, who have been working in Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) to showcase and share their experiences of undertaking research, monitoring and evaluation in conflict and migration settings. The Research Carnival was framed by the recent publication of the Mental health and psychosocial support in humanitarian settings: research priorities for 2021–30.


A roadmap for implementing International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement commitments on addressing mental health and psychosocial needs 2020 – 2023

In December 2019, the International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement adopted a set of commitments addressing mental health and psychosocial needs, including resolution 2 of the 33rd International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. This roadmap (2020–2023) has been developed to supports a strategic and coordinated approach to implementation of these commitments, with the aim to strengthen the Movement’s collective response to mental health and psychosocial needs.


2024 Webinar

Climate change contributes to and exacerbates a range of humanitarian crises for populations in every region of the world.  The direct and indirect impacts on mental health and well-being at individual and community levels are concerning and often neglected.

In 2023, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support initiated a consultation process with the aim to better understand the intersection between mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) and climate change in the work of National Societies.  This webinar presents a high-level overview of the climate-related mental health risks as identified by the consulted National Societies and discusses potential pathways to addressing the mental health and psychosocial challenges arising from the climate crisis.

The presenters are:

Shona Whitton, a Technical Advisor in Mental Health and Psychosocial Support at the IFRC’s Psychosocial Centre specialising in MHPSS in emergencies, climate change and protection, gender and inclusion.  

And Finja Katharina Daegling, a Consultant at the IFRC’s Psychosocial Centre with a focus on the complex psychosocial impact of the climate crisis on mental health and well-being.

2019 Webinar

The concept of moral injury has become increasingly popular over the past years to describe“the lasting psychological, social and spiritual harm caused by actions that transgress a person’s deeply held moral beliefs and expectations“ But what does that actually mean? In this webinar, we unpack the concept of moral injury by asking three key questions:

  • What is the concept of moral injury and how does it expand our understanding of trauma?
  • What does the research on moral injury in relation to refugees show us?
  • How can we use the concept in relation to humanitarian workers?

2017 Webinar

  • Why is the evidence-base for PFA so limited?
  • What are the challenges for conducting research on PFA?

This webinar address these questions.

  • Eliza Cheung, Clinical psychologist, Hong Kong Red Cross and Technical Advisor, PS Centre
  • Koen van Praet, Clinical psychologist, Belgian Red Cross (Flanders)
  • Ferdinand Garoff, Psychologist, University of Tampere


2017 Annual meeting

Throughout the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement and the wider humanitarian community there is an increasing recognition of the need for building evidence to support mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) interventions. The 2017 Council of Delegates of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement passed the resolution Addressing Mental Health and Psychosocial Needs, which urges the Movement to increase their efforts to better understand the needs and challenges, and to collect evidence on MHPSS interventions in humanitarian responses.

The 2017 Annual Meeting of the Red Cross Red Crescent Research Network on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support brought together 32 people from 16 countries to share their research experience on two themes: mental health of refugees, migrants and asylum seekers and caring for staff and volunteers. The annual meeting was a combination of key note speakers, abstract presenters and workshops.

The book of abstracts includes the abstracts presented at the annual meeting. The range of abstracts reflect a growing interest for and experience with conducting research on MHPSS within the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement and we hope that other practitioners and researchers from within and outside the Movement will be inspired by and learn from the research presented in this book of abstract and that more people will join the research network in the coming years.

2016 Webinar series: Inner Resilience

A three part webinar series on Inner Resilience – Mental health and psychosocial support

Part 1: Psychosocial Support for Resilience Building: World Disaster Report 2016

Presented by Dr Maureen Mooney.

Part 2: Building Psychosocial Resilience: Experience from the CRUA project.

Presented by Dr Lee Devaney

Part 3: Q&A session

2007 Webinar: Five Essential Principles of Psychosocial Interventions

In 2007, Stevan E. Hobfoll published a key article on post-disaster psychosocial support with a team of international experts Five essential elements of immediate and mid-term mass trauma interventions: Empirical evidence. Accordingly, psychosocial support after disasters or other traumatic events should promote five essential principles:
Sense of safety, Calming, Self- and community efficacy, Social connectedness, Hope

In the 10 years following their publication, the five essential principles have been extremely influential among practitioners, researchers and policy makers around the world. But how have the five principles been used, or misused? Are they useful and appropriate in measuring outcomes of psychosocial interventions? And what is next for MHPSS research?

In conversation with Dr. Leslie Snider, Dr. Stevan E. Hobfoll examines these questions during a one-hour webinar hosted by the Red Cross Red Crescent Research Network on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support.

Five Essential Elements of Psychosocial Support – A conversation with Stevan Hobfoll