The PS Centre is located in Copenhagen, Denmark and hosted by the Danish Red Cross.
All fulltime staff are based in Copenhagen and work under the same employment conditions as Danish Red Cross Headquarter staff.
Job openings in the PS Centre will be posted in the news section of, sent out through our newsletter and posted on the PS Centre Social Media channels: LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and X.
To apply for a position, please use the recruitment link in the job post.
Currently, we do not accept unsolicited applications.
The PS Centre is always interested in hearing from potential volunteers. However, please note that volunteers are not sent on field missions. The PS Centre supports field operations by providing support and by fulfilling its role as a reference centre based in Copenhagen. Volunteers would either provide support at the PS Centre, or from their own office or home.
Currently we are looking for:
certified translators of Arabic, Spanish, French and Russian, who can assist us with translations from English and proof reading
fundraising volunteers
volunteers who own a camera and are skilled in taking photos and/or video footage of psychosocial activities
If you are interested in volunteering with the PS Centre, please send us your CV and a letter explaining your background and how you think you can contribute to
Who we are
What we do
Focus Areas
IFRC Psychosocial Centre Hejrevej 30, st. 2400 Copenhagen NV Denmark