Academic Success and Well-being for Refugee Children
We invite you to join us online for this seminar.
Academic success, well-being and a sense of belonging are key factors in the dynamic integration of refugee children.
Across Europe, the REFUGE-ED project has worked with schools and refugee reception centres to integrate a set of successful educational actions with approaches to promote mental health and psychosocial well-being.
The approach stands on two fundamental principles:
Successful learning and promotion of well-being and social belonging happens in a dialogic and holistic interaction between students, teachers, parents, the school and the community around the school.
Educators must have access to – and be supported in using – methodologies with proven effect and social impact.
The outcomes of the project are practical tools, methods, policy recommendations and a space for exchanging experiences in creating successful learning environments for refugee children and hosting communities. The recommended tools are evidence-based and can be scaled and adapted based on local needs and resources.
The Danish and Swedish partners in the REFUGE-ED project are proud to invite stakeholders from the Nordic region to a conversation about the policy implications of integrating mental health and well-being in education for refugee children in the Nordic countries.
From Sweden, it is hosted by Save the Children Sweden and Support Group Network who have implemented the REFUGE-ED project in informal educational settings.
From Denmark, it is hosted by the IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support, hosted by Danish Red Cross and the MHPSS Collaborative, hosted by Save the Children Denmark. Both organisations are global hubs of expertise in the field of global humanitarian mental health and psychosocial support.
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