The role of PFA in the IFRC Ukraine MHPSS response
IFRC Regional Office of Europe and the PS Centre are delighted to invite you to an insightful webinar where we will unveil the findings of the Impact Study: The Role of Psychological First Aid (PFA) in the IFRC Ukraine Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Response.
Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies across Europe have been providing support to people displaced from Ukraine since the start of the International Armed Conflict in Ukraine in February 2022. National Societies have been committed to integrating and implementing Psychological First Aid (PFA) within their Ukraine Response to provide Psychosocial support and to ensure displaced Ukrainians receive adequate services.
The study was conducted within the context of the IFRC Disaster Response and Preparedness emergency, Ukraine and impacted countries crises. This marks the first time an established unified effort to integrate PFA across multiple contexts in response to the needs of people displaced from Ukraine. Highlighting the opportunities, strengths, challenges, and gaps in upscaling PFA by Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies.
Seven National Societies were included: Red Cross of Montenegro, Bulgarian Red Cross, Ukrainian Red Cross Society, Romanian Red Cross, Lithuanian Red Cross, Polish Red Cross, and Slovak Red Cross. A case study approach was chosen to allow for an in-depth exploration of the impact of upscaling and implementing PFA within the context of an emergency response.
The Webinar will present the key findings and include a discussion between the IFRC Psychosocial Centre and the IFRC Regional Office of Europe on how these findings shape the future implementation of PFA. The following key findings will be presented.
• Opening Speech: Panu Saaristo- Health and Care Manger- IFRC Regional Office for Europe
• Overview of PFA within the Ukraine Response
• Strengths, Challenges, Gaps, and Sustainability
• Factors Contributing to the Integration of PFA
• Three Levels of Impact and recommendations
Key Speaker:
Sarah Kate van der Walt is a MHPSS technical adviser at the IFRC Psychosocial Centre. At the IFRC Psychosocial Centre she is the focal point for migration and research and Co-Leads the MHPSS Research Network and Co-chairs Working Group 4 in the MHPSS Roadmap project focusing on research, evidence, monitoring and evaluation. Sarah Kate was the research consultant for the PFA Impact Study.