Webinar: Well-being for staff and volunteers
Join a webinar on Well-being for Staff and Volunteers
The PS Centre offers a 90-minute interactive workshop for those interested in practical tools to support others and themselves. As part of the webinar participants will be introduced to the Well-being Guide: reduce stress, recharge and build inner resilience, where participants will try out exercises from each of the five sections in the well-being guide. The guide has sections with exercises that can help When feeling overwhelmed and distressed, When anxious and nervous, When wanting to calm down, Strengthening my inner resources and When going to sleep. The webinar will also provide space to engage in dialogue with other MHPSS practitioners on what you find is most useful when supporting someone in distress.
The aim of the guide is to collect the best and most useful tools that can assist in these different types of situations. Furthermore, the instructions for each exercise are written in a way that trained volunteers can use on themselves, and with others who may need this type of support.
Please note that the webinar takes place in CEST time-zone.
PS Centre technical advisors Ea Suzanne Akasha (eaaka@rodekors.dk) and Ganna Goloktionova (anglo@rodekors.dk) will be your well-being guides during the workshop. The webinar will be delivered in English and Ukrainian.
- Apr 20 2023
- Expired!
- 1:00 PM - 2:30 PM