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Heartbeat of Humanity: Advocating for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support

Mental health is on top of the agenda in terms of addressing health issues and recognition that the Movement can play an important part given its presence in the whole world and its ability to influence states and work with communities affected. So on one hand it is the recognition of the importance of the topic (Mental Health and Psychosocial Support) but also a recognition of how we as a Movement can contribute to making it better.

In this episode of Heartbeat of Humanity, IFRC Psychosocial Centre Project Assistant Veronika Dietz interviews Eva Svoboda, Deputy Director of International Law and Policy of the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Eva is co-leading one of the five working groups within the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement implementing the Movement’s MHPSS commitments, Working Group five, dedicated to advocating for Mental Health and Psychosocial Support and in the podcast episode Eva explains why advocating for MHPSS is so important.

You can find more information about the work of implementing the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement Roadmap, Resolution and Policy on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in the PS Centre Movement Resource Room.

Heartbeat of Humanity is mainly for staff and volunteers in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement, especially staff and volunteers working in mental health and psychosocial support services.

Listen to the podcast here or subscribe on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Google Podcast or wherever you find your podcasts.

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