When the level of stress skyrockets it is easy to get absorbed by the constant news feed. When the stress is high, you cannot think straight. And this is what is needed in any crisis. You need to focus on what matters most and often it is taking care of others, noticing what is happening around you, finding out what the needs are, and planning what to do.
Technical Advisor Ea Suzanne Akasha
The PS Centre has produced a two-page guide about managing exposure to news events and social media.
The guide can be used by anyone who needs concrete tools to control exposure to the constant news feed on phones, tablets, pc and TV. It can be used as a guide to help parents and caregivers give support to children, it can be used by Red Cross Red Crescent volunteers providing support to families and children, and by staff and volunteers manning hotlines and helplines – who may be receiving calls for advice and assistance from anxious adults and children.
The guide How to manage your exposure to news events and social media Is the fifth infographic format guide giving concrete advice to Red Cross Red Crescent staff and volunteers working in humanitarian crisis contexts. The first four guides where How do you talk to children about war?, Common reactions to distressing situations and extreme stress, Setting up Psychosocial Support after a crisis event and Talking and writing about mental health and psychosocial support in emergencies.
Find more resource about Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in the PS Centre Resource Library.