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In this episode Communication Officer at the IFRC PS Centre, Villads Zahle interviews project manager, Erni Kristiansen and project consultant, Bebbie Petersen about youth to youth Psychological First Aid (PFA) in Greenland.
Amid ongoing violence and unrest in the occupied territories, the Palestinian Red Crescent (PRCS) staff and volunteers are providing safety and support for children.
In 2023, the PS Centre responded to 2,504 requests for assistance from 137 countries including 1,416 requests from organizations within the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement. PS Centre staff and management participated in 50 international fora as host, facilitator, presenter, speaker or participant and had 36 academic collaborations with 10 universities and 59 organizations.
The PS Centre has released five regional progress reports on the Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) activities within the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement. The five regions are Africa, the Americas, Asia Pacific, Europe and Central Asia, and the Middle East and North Africa (MENA).
In this webinar, REPSSI, APPSI,, and the PS Centre will introduce the toolkit and how to use it. The toolkit was developed during the COVID-19 Pandemic to counter loneliness by supporting people, especially children and youth, with strengthening their relational skills.
In the latest episode of Heartbeat of Humanity, Communications Officer Trine Rosa Larsen interviews MHPSS Technical Advisor Shona Whitton on memorials, what they are, and what to do when some of the people affected by a crisis wants to remember it while others want to forget.
In light of current events, parents, caregivers and responders may have to initiate tough conversations with children about what is happening. See the PS Centre one-page guide and infographic on how you can talk to children about war.
Responding to incoming requests by WHO for MHPSS guidance on how to support people impacted by recent floods, the PS Centre has prepared a short and concise two-pager.
In the latest episode of Heartbeat of Humanity, Communications Officer Trine Rosa Larsen explores linkages between MHPSS and youth.
October 10 is World Mental Health Day, an international day for global mental health education, awareness and policy advocacy. This year’s theme is “Mental Health is a Universal Human Right”
In the latest episode of Heartbeat of Humanity, Communications Officer Jesper Guhle interviews Carmen Valle-Trabadelo about the linkage between Mental Health and Human Rights.
The app gives instant access to critical information for handling the most common first aid emergencies and safety tips for crisis situations. The app includes a chapter on Psychological First Aid, provided by the PS Centre Technical Advisors.
The PS Centre has released the Well-being Guide: reduce stress, recharge and build inner resilience as a deck of activity cards to be used for individual self-care, for peers, and teams who work together. Each card presents actions to try for a desired outcome like calming down or navigating anxiety.
In the latest podcast from the PS Centre, MHPSS Technical Advisor Arz Stephan interviews IFRC PS Centre Director Nana Wiedeman about the importance and challenges of caring for the carers.
Responding to incoming requests for MHPSS during wildfires, the PS Centre has released a one-page guide on providing psychosocial support to people in distress during unfolding crisis situations.
This webinar will introduce how the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement addresses MHPSS needs of individuals, families, and communities through joint collaboration and coordination. From Ukraine to Iraq, discover the approaches National Societies apply to provide complementary services.