The PS Centre was very sorry to hear news about the catastrophic floodings that have recently taken place throughout the world. The loss of lives, livelihoods and homes due to flooding can deeply impact individuals, families and communities. The following two PS Centre publications offer guidance on how to provide psychosocial support in the context of floodings. The affected National Societies are welcome to contact the Psychosocial Centre for additional support or guidance in response to the current floods – please contact Sarah Harrison.

This material provides key actions on psychosocial support in flooding. It focuses on flooding of urban areas and on how to strengthen the resilience of urban communities. The material helps prioritise actions and supports integrating psychosocial support in the overall actions. Each crisis and response is unique. Crisis implies impossible time constraints, extreme demands on resources and imperfect choices. It will very rarely be relevant or possible to implement all key actions for every crisis. Therefore, the material is modular; written to supports the design of the best possible actions in a given crisis. Key actions are divided according to disaster phases; preparedness, response and recovery. The material can be used as reference tool in the middle of a crisis, to prepare and plan for community engagement for flooding, or both.

Psychosocial Support in Flooding: Toolbox accompanies Key Actions for Psychosocial Support in Flooding: Creating resilience in urban areas.
The toolbox provides an overview of available tools that are relevant for psychosocial support in flooding situations. The toolbox consists of an overview of the tools, followed by a detailed description of each of the tools. The description of each tool covers the following points (if applicable):
- Introduction to tool
- Introduction to target group’s needs in flooding
- Languages
- Training needs
- Adaptation to context
- Tool location
- PSS in Flooding Toolbox