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Secretary General of the South Sudan Red Cross delivers a verbal statement at the Council of Delegates

We acknowledge that the realization of the Movement’s mental health and psychosocial support commitments is dependent on a Movement-wide representative and sustainable governance structure, that can pursue these ambitions further. In order to ensure the proper continuation of this process, at the end of 2021, it was decided to set up a joint governance structure to allow the resources needed for the Movement to continue advancing on the ambition to make mental well-being, not a luxury for some, but a right for everyone, including staff and volunteers. This new structure […] comprises a Leadership Group, a Coordination Group, and a RCRC Movement MHPSS Hub. Today we wish to take the advantage of meeting you all here and invite any interested National Society to join the future Coordination and Leadership Groups.

Verbal statement on implementing the Movement’s resolutions – John Lobor, Secretary General
South Sudan Red Cross.

On 23 June, at the Council of Delegates, Secretary General of the South Sudan Red Cross John Lobor delivered a verbal statement on the progress of implementing the Resolution 2 of the 33rd International Conference and Resolution 5 of the 2019 Council of Delegates/MHPSS Policy: “Addressing mental health and psychosocial needs of people affected by armed conflicts, natural disasters and other emergencies” and “The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement policy on addressing mental health and psychosocial needs” respectively.

In April 2021, an interim structure was established to oversee and coordinate the implementation of the MHPSS Policy Roadmap. This interim structure was composed of an interim Steering Committee and Coordination Structure.

To ensure the proper continuation of this process, at the end of 2021, it was decided to set up a shared leadership, coordination, and HUB governance model to govern and coordinate the implementation of the MHPSS commitments in the long term. This includes the reform of the IFRC PS Reference Centre into a joint RCRC Movement MHPSS HUB.

This is in line with the set of commitments adopted by the Movement in 2019 to address mental health and psychosocial needs, expressed in the resolutions. The Roadmap identifies six Priority Action Areas and outlines the outputs and outcomes expected by 2023. Five working groups (WGs) were established and continue to implement activities focusing on specific areas of MHPSS.

The action areas are purposed to support and direct National Societies, the IFRC, and the ICRC in implementing the commitments expressed in the resolutions. These commitments were the culmination of a joint Movement project – MOMENT – supported by a Steering Committee (ICRC, IFRC, IFRC PS Reference Centre, Lebanese Red Cross, Danish Red Cross, and Swedish Red Cross), a Working Group and Reference Group project structure.

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