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The Red Cross Red Crescent Movement Videos about implementing the Policy and Resolution on MHPSS are now available in all four official Red Cross Red Crescent languages

The International Red Cross Red Crescent Movement Videos about implementing the Policy and Resolution on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) are now available in all four official Red Cross Red Crescent languages – English, Spanish, French and Arabic. The videos are produced to assist National Societies in their quest to implement MHPSS services. A total of four videos explaining The International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement’s commitments on MHPSS needs and introducing the Policy, the Resolution and the MHPSS Framework.

The availability of the four videos in all four Red Cross Red Crescent Movement languages is vital in disseminating the Movement commitments and ambitions on addressing mental and psychosocial needs. They are made available to National Societies as tools to give a quick, engaging take on the importance of MHPSS and the way forward for the Movement guided by the Policy and Resolution.

The importance of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support
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The Resolution
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The Policy
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The Framework
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