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Webinar on caring for staff

IFRC Regional Office Europe and IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support have the pleasure of inviting National Societies to a webinar on Mental Health and Psychosocial Support.

Presenter: Despina Constandinides – who is working on materials for the COVID-19 response for the PS Centre.

Volunteers are the most valuable resource of the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement. During the pandemic, the well-being of staff and volunteers is also affected in the course of the work. National Societies have an obligation to take care of and develop systems that protect the mental health and well-being of staff and volunteers. If not able to self-care, the question is how to care for others.

It is therefore crucial that structures and support systems are in place for caring for staff and volunteers to ensure that they get the care they need to continue delivering essential and life-saving services to persons in need.

The webinar will introduce IFRC PS Centre new materials on caring for staff and volunteers and cover:

  • Different ways of offering care and support for staff and volunteers
  • Establishing peer support and buddy systems
  • Outcomes of peer support and buddy systems
  • Supportive supervision
  • M&E tool for caring for staff and volunteers
  • Questions and answers

Find publications, interviews and other material about caring for volunteers on

Guides & Tools
Caring for Volunteers: A Psychosocial Support Toolkit
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Guides & Tools
Volunteering in response to COVID-19: Spontaneous volunteers
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