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Khan Yunis in the Southern Gaza strip has been the scene of intense bombardments and violence and Palestinian Red Crescent Society (PRCS) has introduced a new way of supporting the children exposed.
In this episode of Heartbeat of Humanity, MHPSS Technical Advisor Shona Whitton talks to Ana Mejia about mental health and the climate crisis. Ana Mejia is a former member of the Youth Advisory Group of the Red Cross Red Crescent Climate Centre, and a volunteer from the Ecuadorian Red Cross. Ana leads a Mental Health and Psychosocial Support team in the local Red Cross branch and she recently started to work as a consultant with the health team of the Red Cross Climate Centre.
On 19th October 2024 the IFRC, the UN and key humanitarian actors, are calling for an end to these violations of human principles and international law. The IFRC do so under the plea “Protect Humanity!” As the IFRC Psychosocial Centre we join that call because we know that too many of our colleagues across the globe have paid the highest price doing exactly that – protecting humanity.
In this episode of Heartbeat of Humanity, MHPSS Technical Advisor Shona Whitton talks to John Richardson about disaster preparedness, disaster resilience and disaster risk reduction. And why it is a problem calling fires, floods and storms ‘natural disasters’.
October 10 is World Mental Health Day, an international day for global mental health education, awareness and policy advocacy. This year’s theme is “Mental Health is a Universal Human Right”
In the latest episode of Heartbeat of Humanity, Communications Officer Jesper Guhle interviews Carmen Valle-Trabadelo about the linkage between Mental Health and Human Rights.
The app gives instant access to critical information for handling the most common first aid emergencies and safety tips for crisis situations. The app includes a chapter on Psychological First Aid, provided by the PS Centre Technical Advisors.
The PS Centre has released the Well-being Guide: reduce stress, recharge and build inner resilience as a deck of activity cards to be used for individual self-care, for peers, and teams who work together. Each card presents actions to try for a desired outcome like calming down or navigating anxiety.
In the latest podcast from the PS Centre, MHPSS Technical Advisor Arz Stephan interviews IFRC PS Centre Director Nana Wiedeman about the importance and challenges of caring for the carers.
Responding to incoming requests for MHPSS during wildfires, the PS Centre has released a one-page guide on providing psychosocial support to people in distress during unfolding crisis situations.
This webinar will introduce how the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement addresses MHPSS needs of individuals, families, and communities through joint collaboration and coordination. From Ukraine to Iraq, discover the approaches National Societies apply to provide complementary services.
In this episode of Heartbeat of Humanity, PS Centre' Project Officer Veronika Dietz interviews Dr Sarah Miller, Clinical and Forensic Psychologist and the Program Coordinator in charge of MHPSS at ICRC and Louise Kryger, psychologist and the MHPSS lead in the International Department of the Danish Red Cross, on establishing availability and opportunity for accessing MHPSS services throughout the entire range of healthcare services and interventions.
Responding to incoming requests for MHPSS during wildfires, the PS Centre has released a one-page guide on providing psychosocial support to people in distress during unfolding crisis situations.
Four decades of war, political upheaval, economic deprivation, and forced displacement have had a significant and negative impact on Afghan populations.
In this episode of Heartbeat of Humanity, IFRC Psychosocial Centre Communications Officer Jesper Guhle interviews Mental Health and Psychosocial Health Specialist, Rebecca Horn, on her recent evaluation of the functions and activities of the PS Centre.
The last seven years' activities and functions of the PS Centre have been reviewed and evaluated by an independent consultant, Rebecca Horn. The 80-page Evaluation Report was finalized earlier this year, and now a summary of key challenges and achievements is available.