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Integration of Mental Health and Psychosocial Support in the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement

This report, prepared by Working Group 1 of the MHPSS Roadmap, focuses on the experiences and insights from National Societies, the ICRC and the IFRC, who have been involved in integrating MHPSS activities within the Movement. The aim is to better understand the experiences of Movement components integrating MHPSS across sectors and in using MHPSS tools that exist to support this work. In doing so, the hope is that this information will better support the integration of MHPSS across the Movement components going forward. Thirty-five participants from all Movement components (National Societies, the IFRC and the ICRC) provided examples of MHPSS integration of approaches and services into a diverse range of new and existing activities. The key themes that emerged from the consultation process included discussion of a range of barriers to MHPSS integration, the widespread implementation of psychological first aid (PFA), the usefulness, and the challenges associated, with existing tools within the Movement that support MHPSS integration and the need to improve integration. The second half of the report includes examples, provided by Movement components, on the varied ways MHPSS has been integrated across Movement activities to date.

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Information English 2024 pdf
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