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Webinar: Climate Change and Mental Health

Climate change contributes to and exacerbates a range of humanitarian crises for populations in every region of the world.  The direct and indirect impacts on mental health and well-being at individual and community levels are concerning and often neglected.

In 2023, the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support initiated a consultation process with the aim to better understand the intersection between mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) and climate change in the work of National Societies.  This webinar presents a high-level overview of the climate-related mental health risks as identified by the consulted National Societies and discusses potential pathways to addressing the mental health and psychosocial challenges arising from the climate crisis.

The presenters are:

Shona Whitton, a Technical Advisor in Mental Health and Psychosocial Support at the IFRC’s Psychosocial Centre specialising in MHPSS in emergencies, climate change and protection, gender and inclusion.

And Finja Katharina Daegling, a Consultant at the IFRC’s Psychosocial Centre with a focus on the complex psychosocial impact of the climate crisis on mental health and well-being.

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Information English 2024 Videos
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