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The PS Centre works in partnership with National Societies, academic institutions, donors, international humanitarian organizations and other stakeholders related to MHPSS to promote and enable the mental health and psychosocial well-being of people affected by adversity.

The PS Centre receives funding and support from National Societies and institutional and private donors.

The PS Centre is an IFRC Reference Centre. A reference centre is a centre of expertise in a defined technical or thematic area. It is created by one or more Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies in partnership with the IFRC Secretariat. Reference Centres embody the idea of shared leadership between the IFRC and National Societies with National Societies taking the lead in building and contributing knowledge and providing services to the Red Cross Red Crescent Network globally.

The PS Centre is hosted and supported by Danish Red Cross and operates under the legal identity of Danish Red Cross. Staff are employed by Danish Red Cross.

The PS Centre is governed by a Steering Committee, which is made up by the heads of the International Federation Health and Care Department, and Danish Red Cross International Department. A representative from the Advisory Board and from an Operating National Society with experience in psychosocial support programmes serve as observers to the Steering Committee for two-year terms.

The PS Centre’s work is guided by an Advisory Board consisting of experts and representatives from supporting National Societies