Mental Health and Climate Resilience: Preparing and Responding to Extreme Events
The European Commission, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, IASC Reference Group MHPSS and MHPSS.net are delighted to invite you to the webinar “Mental Health and Climate Resilience: Preparing and Responding to Extreme Events”, dedicated to Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).
It will be an open exchange for practitioners, policy-makers and all interested stakeholders.
- WHEN: 20 February 2024, 16:00-17:30 (CEST).
- REGISTRATION: Please register for the webinar here.
- LANGUAGE: English, Spanish, French, and Portuguese interpretation will be ensured.
- MORE INFORMATION: Read the concept note and the invitation card.
ESPAÑOL: La Comisión Europea, Alemania, los Países Bajos, el Grupo de Referencia SMAPS del IASC y MHPSS.net tienen el honor de INVITARLE al evento virtual “Salud mental y resiliencia climática: Preparación y respuesta ante fenómenos extremos” – el caso de América Latina y el Caribe, el 20 febrero 2024 a las 15:00 UTC. Para más información y registrarse, consulte la nota conceptual y la tarjeta de invitación.
PORTUGUÊS: A Comissão Europeia, Alemanha, Países Baixos, Grupo de Referência de SMAPS do IASC e MHPSS.net têm a honra de convidá-los para o intercâmbio virtual “Saúde mental e resiliência climática: Preparação e resposta a fenômenos extremos” – o caso da América Latina e Caribe, no dia 20 de fevereiro de 2024, às 15:00 UTC. Para mais informações e se registrar, confere a nota conceitual e o convite.
FRANÇAIS: La Commission européenne, l’Allemagne, les Pays-Bas, le Groupe de référence MHPSS de l’IASC et MHPSS.net ont l’honneur de vous inviter à l’échange en ligne “Santé mentale et résilience climatique: Se préparer et réagir aux événements extrêmes” – le cas de l’Amérique latine et des Caraïbes, le 20 février 2024, a 15:00 UTC. Pour plus d’information et s’inscrire, veuillez consulter la note conceptuelle et la carte d’invitation.