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Orientation package: Psychological First Aid in times of conflict and uncertainty

Guides & Tools
Orientation bundle: Psychological First Aid in times of conflict and uncertainty
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The PS Centre has released an orientation package: Psychological First Aid in times of conflict and uncertainty

The package consists of:

Powerpoint presentation: Psychological First Aid in times of conflict and uncertainty

Role play videos
Psychological First Aid in Conflict: Look
Psychological First Aid in Conflict: Listen
Psychological First Aid in Conflict – Link

Role-play guide: PFA training in situations of conflict and uncertainty

Psychological first aid is a method of helping people in distress so they feel calm and
supported in coping with their challenges. It is a way of assisting someone to manage
their situation and make informed decisions.

This orientation package focuses on Psychological First Aid in the context of conflict and uncertainty.

You can download every element of the package separately or as a bundle.

Videos in the package

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