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Malawi training - deadline for application 18 October

Please note that the application deadline has expired Click to download application form

Based on several requests for training in psychosocial support from national societies in eastern and southern Africa, the IFRC Africa Zone and the PS Centre have organized a Training of Trainers in Community-Based Psychosocial Support hosted by Malawi Red Cross.

The training will take place in Lilongwe, Malawi from 11 to 15 November 2013. As the training will be in English, participants are required to be fluent in English.

Participation fee is USD 1,170, which will cover food and accommodation, training kits and materials distributed during the training, and transportation between the airport and training venue. Participating National Societies are expected to cover flight tickets and travel allowances/per diems.

The training will be based on the PS Centre’s Training Kit and will enable National Societies in the region to improve their psychosocial response in a very cost-effective manner. The final program is yet to be finalized, but a draft program and concept note are attached detailing the objectives of the training as well as the required profile of the participants.

The training consists of three parts:

1. Four-day comprehensive introduction to the IFRC Training Kit for Community-based Psychosocial Support – providing participants with thorough knowledge and understanding of the elements in psychosocial support, reactions to crisis, vulnerable groups and how to carry out psychosocial support while taking care of themselves and their colleagues.
2. One-day training on the planning and implementation of psychosocial interventions based on the PS Centre’s “Handbook on Psychosocial Interventions” and “Children’s Resilience Programme” – with an emphasis on providing psychosocial support to children affected by HIV and AIDS.
3. Facilitation techniques enabling participants to train other staff and volunteers, and conduct sensitization on Psychosocial Support (PSS), in their respective National Societies and within the Movement (this part is weaved throughout all parts of the training).

Required pre-reading material

In order to participate in the training, it is a precondition that participants read the entire training kit consisting of the Participant’s and the Trainer’s book. Participants are also encouraged to have a look at the handbook “Psychosocial Interventions.” The training kit and handbook may be accessed here on the PS Centre’s website.

Participant selection criteria

The management of the invited National Societies is to ensure that their participants in the training fulfill the following criteria:

  • Knowledge of the Red Cross Red Crescent and working conditions in the field
  • Educational background in social work, psychology, psychiatry, mental, community health or public health
  • Committed to facilitate trainings in respective National Societies
  • Develop a plan of action for implementation
  • Good training/facilitation skills and knowledge of adult education
  • Sufficient language skills (oral and comprehension) so as to fully understand and participate in the training
  • Prepared to participate actively in all sections and tasks related to the training
  • Ability to arrive the evening before the start of the training and not leave until after the last session of the final day
  • Completed the pre-training tasks.
  • Download Concept Paper here
    Download Training of Trainers Programme here

    Those interested are welcome to fill in and submit the application form to the representative from your zone (more information available in the application form). Please note that the deadline for application is 18 October 2013.

    For more information – IFRC PS Centre:

    Louise Kryger
    Technical Advisor, IFRC PS Centre
    Mobile: +45 22819519

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